Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Woman Like A Man

We are the amazons. We are the tough, industrial strength women. The ones who believe in climbing mountains and ladders and out of tough situations. We will ourselves into these gender neutral roles and then wonder why there's conflict. It's like trying to be straight, when you're not. It's like when you try to be older, but you're not. It's like when try to be honest, but you're not. It never works out well. There is never is enough of a shell to cover up everything you don't want to show.

When you are that woman who wants to own the world, and not need a man. You look for a man that let's you be that. And then where does that get you? You sit there frustrated because he gives you what you want. You want to be independent. You want him to expect that you can handle yourself. You want him not to coddle you. You want him to treat you like you can stand up for yourself. And he gives you all of that. He treats you like a man.

So what happens, when you don't have enough man in you to cover up the woman on the inside. What happens when you want to be taken care of and comforted? What happens when you crave romance and tenderness? What happens when you want to be treated for what you are...a woman?

Can I have love and freedom? Can I have support and support you? Can I find my own way, but send you an invite? Can I wear pants too? Can I be me and you be you? Can I just have a hug?